Culligan offers delivery options, as well as further treatment of water. This includes:

  • Re-pressurization
  • Sanitation
  • Sub-micron filters
  • Distribution systems
  • Re-circulation systems
  • Disinfection systems
  • UV treatment
  • O-zone treatment
  • Chlorination

For re-pressurization, leading brand-name manufacturer pumps are utilized to fulfill water system needs

Supplies pressurized water to washing equipment when a water supply pump is not available. Pumps and materials of construction are selected based on the needs of individual customers. These systems can be installed on-site, or skid mounted as a pre-wired, pre-plumbed and tested component.

Customizable Hot and Cold Sanitation

If your water application has a microbiological requirement, you may need to sanitize the water equipment and piping. Culligan can design a water system that can be hot water or cold water sanitized with or without chemical addition.

Culligan chemical sanitization systems utilize products like caustic, hydrogen peroxide, peracetic acid, chlorine, and chlorine dioxide. 

Sub-Micron Filters when Precious Minerals are Still Needed

Where reverse osmosis filters out nearly everything, sometimes healthy minerals are preferred to make it through the membrane. If you’re looking to remove harmful impruities and keep healthy minerals, a sub-micron filter might be the best choice for your business.

Distribution, Recirculation and Disinfection

Pumps and materials of construction are selected based on the needs of individual customers. These systems can be installed on-site, or skid mounted as a pre-wired, pre-plumbed and tested component.

UV and Ozone Treatment

UV light treatment is a simple, safe process that has been proven effective on commercial and industrial water supply markets. Our systems can treat low- to high-flow systems with short-wave radiation that kills bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms. UV is a clean process that doesn’t contain biproducts, destroys ozone and helps reduce total organic carbon (TOC). Culligan’s expert engineering with UV treatment provides optimal flow and retention times. 

Ozonation is an alternative to chlorination to disinfect water supplies, control odor, and reduce soluble refractory organics. Contact Culligan of Oklahoma City to schedule a free consultation today!

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Contact us today to see what Culligan of Oklahoma City can do to provide localized water treatment from the best in the industry.

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