Bottled Water vs Filtered Water
Clean drinking water is essential for your overall health and well-being. There are two main ways Americans consume contaminant-free water in their homes: bottled water and filtered water. While there are benefits to both, filtered water is generally superior in quality and sustainability. Culligan Water is here to provide you with an in-depth comparison of bottled and filtered water so you can be informed and make the best choices for your home. If you ever have any questions, our team is always just a call away.
Benefits of Filtered Water
There are many reasons to invest in a high-quality filtered water system when looking at all the potential benefits. The most obvious is the improved taste and health benefits of removing unwanted contaminants and minerals. Filtered water systems also bring plenty of value into your home, allowing for virtually unlimited clean drinking water. These systems are generally easy to install and low maintenance, allowing you not to worry about replacements for many years. Companies like Culligan Water will even handle any maintenance and part replacements, further expounding on the convenience!
Reviewing Bottled Water
Bottled water offers many of the same contaminant-free benefits as filtered water and can be a great choice in certain situations. The most significant benefit to bottled water is its portability, which allows it to be stored and accessed in large quantities to get to places where clean drinking water may be scarce. However, bottled water is notorious for its role in plastic pollution worldwide. Made for only one-time use, millions of bottles of plastic water are disposed of every day in the US alone. Another concern of bottled water is that it may contain microplastics in the water due to how they are processed. Because of this, bottled water is generally not recommended for everyday use in the home.
Bottled Water vs Filtered Water
When comparing the overall benefits and disadvantages of bottled water vs. filtered water, filtered water is the clear winner. It has a much safer environmental impact and provides better value when considering long-term use. Filtered water is as contaminant-free as bottled water, and you don’t have to worry about microplastics. Bottled water may be more beneficial if you need filtered water on the go or when traveling. But comparing these two for everyday drinking water use, nothing beats a high-quality water filtration system. Talk to our Culligan Water team to learn more about how filtered water can be more beneficial for your home.
Filtered Water Solutions With Culligan Water
Culligan Water has some of the best solutions available if you’re in the market for a home drinking water system. Our top-of-the-line reverse osmosis drinking water system removes virtually all unwanted contaminants, chemicals, and bacteria from your tap water systems. Its compact design allows it to fit under your kitchen sink easily, and we also include installation with your purchase. We have helped thousands of customers like you and are very experienced in the common types of pollutants found in your area’s tap water. To be sure, our Culligan Water team can provide free water testing at your home to get precise measurements, giving you a better idea of exactly what you’re dealing with. Give us a call to start your Culligan Water filtration journey today.